In this article, I use Matt Mullenweg’s response to a recent article based on an interview he gave to Inc. as a framework to outline some of the reasons why the WordPress project needs a new governance model. I support recent calls for this change. In addition to other reasons I have outlined in related posts, I recap here Matt’s departure from FLOSS ideals, his misrepresentation of his motives in attacking WP Engine, and in attempts to then cast himself as the victim. I then briefly discuss how the increasingly chaotic atmosphere in the community…
In this article I consider the Free Rider Problem and how it applies to free software, with references to the “Tragedy of the Commons” and the “Maker-Taker” problem. We find that with a nominal production cost approaching zero for free software, the free rider problem is not economically applicable. Moreover, when examining the nature of free software as a commons, we find that not only is it non-rivalrous, it is an anti-rival good. Far from being a problem, so-called “free-riders” actually increase the network value of the software, with each additional user contributing more value…